Charles in Charge Wiki
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When Walter(James Callahan)announces that he is going to Washington, D.C. with Ellen to pick his son so that he can visit his kids and to make sure that Jamie (Nicole Eggert), Sarah (Josie Davis) and Adam (Alexander Polinsky) he leaves Charles in Charge once again. Charles receives a phone call from his mother saying that she forgot to drop off Aunt Sally's (Ellen Travolta) birthday present, so Charles has to give it to her in person and be back at the house no later than 6:00, when he realizes that his Aunt Sally's Car Wash is in deep financial trouble, and that she has no choice but to fire Bobby (Rodney Eastman), Spider (Jeff Davis), Tyrone (Billy "Sly" Williams) and Arthur (Jack Bannon). Charles has to get home and his cars exhaust needs to be fixed. Sally asks Arthur to check the books to see what she needs to repair her income. Spider, Tyrone and Bobby had a meeting and they say that they will work for Sally even though she won't be able to pay them and that they don't want to break up the family and that they'll give her their tips to pay rent. Arthur comes back and says that her husband Vincent has been keeping separate books for himself and the Car Wash and keeping money from Sally so she gets to keep the business after all. Charles arrives five minutes late and learns that Buddy (Willie Aames) taught the kids how to play "Strip Poker".